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Аренда самолета


A VIP terminal has opened at the Manase airport in Bishkek. The modern building with an area of ​​600 meters is intended to receive officials and delegations and is located right on the highway leading to the airport. 

The two-story building houses a waiting room with a cafe and bar, customs and border posts, apartments and VIP meeting rooms. The complex also has hotel rooms, a swimming pool and a sauna. The building owes its original design to the architect Yuri Sminov, who invented a wavy roof, glass domes letting in natural light and airy arches.

Comparing this terminal with the FBO of other airports, the project in Bishkek may seem modest. But the terminal in Manas is notable for its convenience and functionality. The building is in harmony with the surrounding landscape and does not seem bulging. The wide lobby offers panoramic views of the airport aprons. All this makes waiting for a flight in the new terminal pleasant.